Mode of Operation and Use of Funds
The climate crisis and species extinction threaten all of our homes as we know them. However, it is in our hands: we can create a present and a future in which we live in harmony with our environment.
How we use our funds
We are active in over 100 countries worldwide, our projects are designed to have the greatest and broadest possible impact.: IIn Switzerland, for example, we renaturalize water bodies of water, and work to preserve our biodiversity. In coastal regions, we work with local people to develop alternative sources of income, clean up beaches to combat the flood of trash, and plant mangroves to protect beaches in extreme weather and curb mitigate climate warming. Where particularly important forests have been destroyed or degraded, we reforest –- but not with the aim of planting as many trees as possible, butto restore the forest's original function.

Project impressions
We are also working for on a more sustainable world at the systemic level.: IIn education, we are laying the foundations so that for environmentally conscious action by future generations are capable of acting in an environmentally friendly way. Business is a massive driver of global resource consumption and thus therefore also an immensely important lever field for environmentally friendly solutions. Through public pressure, ratings and pioneering partnerships, WWF is helping to make business more sustainable. In the financial sector, we are working to steer financial flows in more sustainable directionsseeking to influence how money is spent and invested in order to achieve more sustainable solutions. Policy-makers are setting a crucial course for our future. To ensure that environmental concerns are consistently pursued and embeddedintegrated, WWF works with governments, authorities, decision-makers, businesses and civil society at local, cantonal and national levels.
Our focus is on climate, forests, oceans, species, freshwater and food b. Because they are the foundations of our livesour livelihoods. And this is where we need have to make the right decisions today so that our children will also have a future worth living.
Our levers
How we work
Our way of working is both efficient and humane. We make decisions based on current scientific findings and knowledge that has grown locally over generations. Treating people and nature with respect is not only a goal, but the basis of our actions.
We courageously and critically question existing structures with regard to their effect on our environment. We and future generations can shape our present and future in such a way that it is and remains worth living for everyone. We cannot, and do not, want to go down this path alone - we work with strong partners from different sectors, and we need each and every one of them – we need you.
Do you have any questions?

WWF Service Center:
+41 44 297 21 21
Monday to Friday 8 am to 4 pm