Partnership with Swisscom 2018
Since the founding year of the WWF Climate Savers (2006), Swisscom has been working together with the WWF to reduce its CO2 footprint and to promote climate-friendly services. Swisscom supports the WWF Footprint Calculator and the WWF Adviser App as a partner. Together, Swisscom and WWF want to demonstrate and make available the potential of digitalisation for a more sustainable, energy-efficient, and comfortable lifestyle.

Swisscom not only comprehensively reduces its own CO2 footprint, the company also helps its customers to reduce their emissions. Green energy and energy efficiency are further priorities in the objectives agreed with Swisscom.
Reduction of the Scope 1 CO2 emissions
Swisscom (excl. Fastweb) has set the targets of reducing its Scope 1 (according to GHG) CO2 footprint by 10% until 2020 compared to the base year of 2013. The emissions are measured and shown in thousand equivalent tons of CO2.
In 2018, the Scope 1 emissions amount to 16.1 thousand tonnes CO2, meaning that Swisscom met and exceeded the target in 2018 as well.
Comment: Swisscom is on course to meet the objective with this Science-Based Target.
Reduction of the Scope 2 CO2 emissions
Swisscom (excl. Fastweb) has set itself the objective of reducing its Scope 2 CO2 footprint by 100% by 2020 – in other words, to 0. The emissions are measured in thousand equivalent tons of CO2. The reductions are shown as percentage compared to 2012.
In 2018, Swisscom no longer has any Scope 2 CO2 emissions, thus reaching its target early.
Comment: Swisscom is still on course to meet the objective with this Science-Based Target.
Reduction of the Scope 3 CO2 emissions
Swisscom (excl. Fastweb - Cat. 15) has set itself the target of reducing, by 2020, its Scope 3 CO2 emissions by 18% compared to the base year 2013. The emissions are measured and shown in thousand equivalent tons of CO2.
With 425 thousand equivalent tons of CO2, Swisscom is not on course to meeting the target in 2018.
Comment: Swisscom has, together with an external environmental assessment specialist, developed a model which takes into consideration the Scope 3 emissions in the delivery chain (upstream) as well as in the use of products (downstream), including transport. Swisscom is not on course to meet this Science-Based Target, above all as a result of increases in procurement volumes over last year as well as higher CO2 intensities of new or newly considered suppliers. Swisscom has defined measures to get on track to meet the target again, e.g. by including suppliers into the CDP Supply Chain Module and CDP Action Exchange Programme.
CO2 savings thanks to sustainable ICT services
The objective is to ensure that Swisscom customers save twice as much CO2 than Swisscom emits itself in 2020, thanks to sustainable ICT services. Measured is the proportion of the tons of CO2 (savings at customers) relative to the tonnes of CO2 (Swisscom Scope 1 + 2 + 3, excl. Fastweb). The proportion is provided as percentage – this means the goals is 200%.
At 130%, Swisscom falls just short of the linearly calculated target value in 2018.
Comment: Swisscom has developed the method to calculate savings as a result of using ICT services (such as home office services, conference services, managed communications & collaboration (MCC), as well as unified communications & collaboration (UCC) services) together with the myclimate Foundation. By using more sustainable ICT solutions, Swisscom customers currently save a bit more equivalent CO2 than Swisscom itself produces. The increase is progressing as planned and is a bit below the linearly calculated target value.
100% electricity from domestic renewables
Swisscom will continue to procure 100% of its power from domestic renewables. Measured is the proportion in GWh of domestic renewables with proof of origin relative to the total GWh. The proportion is shown as a percentage.
In 2018, Swisscom continues to procure 100% of its power from domestic renewables.
Increase in certified green electricity component
The target is to keep the certified green electricity component above 4.26% (baseline of 2015). The proportion in GWh of certified green electricity in accordance with naturemade star is measured relative to the total electricity consumption in GWh. The proportion is shown as a percentage.
In 2018, Swisscom outperforms its target by 4.5%.
Comment: The slight reduction is attributable to financial reasons. Compared to the baseline year, Swisscom continues to reach its target.
Increase of the installed capacity of the company's own solar panels
Swisscom's target is to increase the installed capacity of its own solar panels by 25% between 2016 and 2019. At least 3 new solar plants are added each year. Measured is the installed capacity of the solar plants in MW. The increase is shown as a percentage.
At 2.2 MW, Swisscom continues to outperform the set target in 2018 as well.
Swisscom continues to outperform this target.
Increase of energy efficiency
Swisscom's objective is to increase the energy efficiency of the overall operations by 35% compared to 2016 by the end of 2020. Measured and shown: The increase of the energy efficiency as a percentage.
At 20%, Swisscom falls just short of the set target value in 2018.