Partnership with Emmi 2020
Emmi has set the goal of reducing the environmental impact of milk processing. The focus of the collaboration with WWF is on reducing CO2e emissions and food waste in production.

Climate and Energy
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1&2)
Emmi has set the goal of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2020 compared to 2014. Measured are the tonnes of CO2. The scope comprises Scope 1&2 in accordance with the GHG Protocol for all business areas of Emmi global business units.
Emmi has reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by the end of 2020 compared to the 2014 figures (absolute actual value 2020: 105,779 tonnes CO2e).
Comment: The baseline and all annual values had to be corrected retroactively back to 2014. It was possible to close data gaps. The correction does not influence goal attainment. The reductions achieved are primarily attributable to a switch to more climate-friendly power (domestic and international).

Food Waste
Reduction in Food Waste
Emmi has set the goal of reducing food waste by 20% by 2020 compared to 2017. The share of food waste is measured in a percentage. The scope comprises all of Emmi's own production operations, globally.
The graph below is limited to the situation in Switzerland. In 2020, the share of food waste amounted to 89% in comparison to 2017. Emmi therefore failed to meet the target value in Switzerland.
Comment: Emmi has been collecting data on food waste from its Swiss production facilities since 2017, in line with the FLW Standard. Data collection for Emmi Global is currently not possible. The main reason behind the fluctuation of food waste is the whey produced as a by-product in cheese production. Depending on demand, this is sold to food manufacturers or used as animal feed, whereby the latter counts as food waste.