Partnership with Emmi 2023
Emmi has set the goal of reducing the environmental impact of milk processing. The focus of the collaboration with WWF is on reducing CO2e emissions, decreasing food waste in processing, and working towards more sustainable milk.

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1&2)
In reducing its absolute greenhouse gas emissions, Emmi is guided by the 1.5° path for Scope 1 and Scope 2. These emissions are to be reduced by 28% by 2024 compared to 2019. Measured are the tonnes of CO2. The scope comprises Scope 1&2 in accordance with the GHG Protocol for all business areas of Emmi global business units.
By the end of 2023, Emmi's greenhouse gas emissions in Scope 1 and Scope 2 have sunken by 7.8% compared to 2019 (absolute actual value 2023: 98’920tons CO2e).
Remarks: This target is a linear derivation of Emmi's science-based climate targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). A linear target achievement path is not to be expected because substantial reductions in emissions occur selectively through individual larger measures or successful projects. The linear reduction path is understood as a guideline.
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3 with regard to purchased raw milk)
In Scope 3, a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 16% per kg of purchased raw milk is to be achieved by 2024 compared to 2019.
The factors are calculated from the total Scope 3 emissions (according to the GHG Protocol) divided by the volumes of cow's, goat's and sheep's milk and cream processed globally by Emmi.
By the end of 2023, Emmi's Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions per kg of purchased raw milk have increased by 6% compared to 2019 (absolute actual value 2023: 2.70kg CO2e per kg purchased raw milk FPCM).
Remarks: The projects to reduce milk emissions are still in the preparation phase. In addition, the volume of milk has increased more in countries with above-average emission factors than in those with lower emission factors.
This target is a linear derivation of Emmi's science-based climate targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). A linear target achievement path is not to be expected because substantial reductions in emissions occur selectively through individual larger measures or successful projects. The linear reduction path is understood as a guideline.
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3 with regard to products produced)
In Scope 3, a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 16% per kg of product finished is to be achieved by 2024 compared to 2019.
The factors are calculated from the total Scope 3 emissions (according to the GHG Protocol) divided by the products processed globally by Emmi (by weight).
Emmi's greenhouse gas emissions per kg of finished product has increased by 3% the end of 2023 compared with 2019 (absolute actual value 2023: 4.11kg CO2e per kg of finished product).
Remarks: The projects to reduce milk emissions are still in the preparation phase. In addition, the volume of milk has increased more in countries with above-average emission factors than in those with lower emission factors.
This target is a linear derivation of Emmi's science-based climate targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). A linear target achievement path is not to be expected because substantial reductions in emissions occur selectively through individual larger measures or successful projects. The linear reduction path is understood as a guideline.

Food Waste
Reduction in Food Waste (Switzerland)
Emmi has set the goal of reducing their food waste by 15% by 2024 compared to 2020. The share of food waste is measured in a percentage of the total produced products. The scope comprises all of Emmi's own production operations in Switzerland.
In 2023, the share of total food waste amounted to 3.9% of the total produced volume and has decreased by 2.5% in comparison to 2020.This value is higher than the reduction target for Switzerland.
Remarks: The presentation has been adjusted for the 2023 reporting year. The share of food waste in the total volume produced is now stated, which better reflects the basic development in view of varying production volumes.
Due to the larger volume of products with so-called side streams (cheese, quark), the proportion of food waste has increased slightly compared to the previous year.
Reduction of food waste (global)
In markets outside Switzerland, Emmi has set the following goals around food waste:
- Emmi will implement three global food waste reduction projects by 2024 and will have them audited.
- Emmi will implement the Food Loss and Waste Standard (or equivalent) in three production companies in Italy and the Netherlands by 2024.

Other raw materials
Increase in milk sustainability (Switzerland)
Emmi aims to further increase the sustainability of the milk it procures by 2024. To this end, Emmi has developed a criteria and assessment system for product standards, which has been approved by WWF. The sustainability of milk procurement is measured by the sustainability rating of the production standards or methods weighted by the purchasing volume. Assessments for Switzerland, Spain and Chile are already available. A comparison between the values of different countries is not possible. An improvement in sustainability will be achieved by improving standards or by shifts within the purchasing portfolio.
Increase in milk sustainability (Switzerland)
Emmi has set itself the goal of increasing the number of points achieved in the criteria and evaluation system for sustainable milk in Switzerland from 35 to 40 points by 2024 compared to 2021.
In 2023, Emmi achieved 36 points for the volume of milk procured in Switzerland.
Note: Projects and measures to increase the sustainability of milk have been launched. Significant changes to the total volume of milk procured will only take effect after a delay.
Increase in milk sustainability (Spain)
Emmi has set itself the goal of increasing the number of points achieved in the criteria and evaluation system for sustainable milk in Spain from 35.5 to 39 points by 2024 compared to 2021.
In 2023, Emmi achieved 35.9 points for the milk volume procured in Spain.
Note: Targets and measures to increase the sustainability of milk were defined in 2023. Implementation of corresponding projects and measures will be delayed.
Increasing the sustainability of milk (other markets)
Chile: The data required for the criteria and evaluation model still needs to be collected for the Chilean market. The corresponding integration into WWF reporting is expected in 2024. For countries in which the criteria and evaluation model cannot yet be applied (Brazil, Tunisia, USA), alternative targets for the sustainability of the procured milk were defined. At the same time, the foundations are being laid for the criteria and assessment model to be applied in these countries.