Partnership with Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund 2018
The Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund (Migros) has been committed to protecting the environment together with WWF for over 20 years - since 2009, in the context of an extensive strategic partnership that includes ambitious goals for key environmental issues. Furthermore, the joint sustainability programme Fruit and Vegetables was introduced in 2017, reducing the environmental impact of the broad range of fruit and vegetables.
Migros is also the main sponsor of the WWF Children and Youth Programme. Thanks to this commitment, WWF can introduce environmental issues to numerous kids and young adults and raise their awareness of the sustainable handling of natural resources.

Migros has set the target of reducing its operative greenhouse gas emissions (applies to: cooperative retail, GHG Scope 1 and 2) by 20% until 2020 (compared to 2010 figures).
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions compared to 2010
Migros has set the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20% compared to 2010 by 2020. The CO2 emissions are measured in equivalent tons of CO2. The scope of application comprises Group retail activities (stores, logistic centres + logistics (transport), MGB; excl. company-owned industry, trade, finance, travel).
By 2018, Migros had already reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 22.5% compared to 2010 (absolute actual value 2018: 143,527 tons of CO2).
Reduction of electricity consumption compared to 2010
Migros has set the target of reducing its absolute electricity consumption by 10% compared to 2010 by 2020. It is measured as GWh/year. The scope of application comprises the Group retail operations, including stores, operations centres, distribution centres, and MGB.
By the end 2018, Migros had already reduced its electricity consumption by almost 10% compared to 2010 (absolute actual value 2018: 579 GWh).

Migros is a founding member of the WWF GLOBAL FOREST & TRADE NETWORK Switzerland (GFTN), formerly the WWF Wood Group. Migros supports environmentally friendly, socially acceptable, and economically feasible forestry and procures its wood and paper products from sustainable sources.
Wood, paper, and cellulose pulp products from sustainable sources (FSC or Recycling)
Migros has set the target of procuring 75% of its wood, paper, and cellulose products from sustainable sources (of which 8% recycled and 67% FSC-certified) by 2020. Measured is the proportion of turnover in percent. The scope of application comprises products with a wood/paper/cellulose component of > 50 % or of which the wood/paper/cellulose component is considered the essential characteristic of the product, for Migros Retail (Near/Non Food), Do it + Garden (DIY), as well as Micasa (furniture) excl. Interio.
In 2018, 72% of the wood, paper, and cellulose products at Migros came from sustainable sources (of which 8% recycled and 64% FSC-certified).
Wood, paper, and cellulose products, by origin
Migros has set the target of increasing the proportion of wood and paper products from sustainable sources (FSC or Recycled) while simultaneously reducing the proportion of products of which the origin is not sufficiently clear, analysed or verified. The proportion of turnover is measured as a percentage. The scope of application comprises Migros Retail (Near/Non Food), Do it + Garden (DIY), as well as Micasa (furniture) excl. Interio. Applies to products with a wood/paper/cellulose content of > 50 % or of which the wood/paper/cellulose component is considered the essential characteristic of the product.
In accordance with the Global Forest & Trade Network of WWF, the terms are understood as follows:
Origin verified: The forest of origin was assessed by an independent party using social and ecological criteria.
Origin analysed: The forest of origin was identified using fundamental criteria of legality and traceability.
Limited knowledge of origin: The origin of the wood (country) is either known or unknown; undesirable origins, such as wood from forest conversions and conflict wood, can be excluded.

As a member of the WWF Seafood Group, Migros has committed itself to refrain from offering fish and seafood from acutely threatened fish populations, to gradually replace products from unsustainable origins with better alternatives, and to continuously expand the proportion of recommendable labels.
Total: Proportion of sustainable sources (very recommended, recommended, or acceptable assessment according to the WWF) relative to the total seafood assortmentrange.
Migros has set itself the target of ensuring that 100% of the total seafood range comes from sustainable sources (very recommended, recommended, or acceptable according to the WWF) by 2020. It is measured as percentage of turnover of the total seafood assortment. The scope of application comprises the Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund with its ranges Fresh, Deep-Frozen, Convenience, and Preserves.
In 2018, 100% of the total seafood assortment came from sustainable sources.
Total: The proportion of recommended/very recommended labels relative to the seafood assortmentrange turnover
Migros has set itself the target of having 64% of the seafood assortment certified with recommended/very recommended labels according to WWF by 2019 (Bio, ASC, MSC). It is measured as percentage of turnover of the seafood assortment. The scope of application comprises the Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund with its ranges Fresh, Deep-Frozen, Convenience, and Preserves.
In 2018, 58% of the seafood assortment was certified with recommended/very recommended labels according to the WWF.
Comment: The targets for the farmed range could not be achieved due to delays in conversions to more ASC items.
Wild catch: Share of MSC relative to the wild catch turnover
Migros has set itself the target of having 67% of the wild catch assortment certified with the MSC label by 2019. It is measured as percentage of turnover of the wild catch range. The scope of application comprises the Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund, ranges Fresh, Deep-Frozen, Convenience, and Preserves.
In 2018, 70% of the wild catch range was already certified by the MSC.
Comment: The switch to more MSC products could be implemented faster than expected.
Farmed fish: Proportion of recommended/very recommended labels according to the WWF, relative to the turnover of the farmed-fish product range.
Migros has set itself the target of having 60% of the farmed-fish assortment be certified with recommended/very recommended labels according to WWF by 2019 (Bio, ASC). It is measured as percentage of the turnover of the farmed-fish range. The scope of application comprises the Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund ranges Fresh, Deep-Frozen, Convenience, and Preserves.
In 2018, 47% of the farmed range was certified with recommended/very recommended labels according to WWF.
Comment: The targets for the farmed range could not be achieved due to delays in conversions to more ASC items.

Migros and WWF are among the founding members of the RSPO. Since 2016, M-Industrie has converted to physically traceable, sustainable palm oil from plantations certified by the RSPO (96%) and continuously increases the proportion of sustainable palm oil procured from third-party suppliers.
Proportion of physically traceable sustainable palm oil in Food private label brands (M-Industrie)
Migros has set the target of increasing the proportion of physically sustainable palm oil in its private label Food products (M-Industrie) to 100% by 2020. Measured is the weight component of physically sustainable palm oil relative to the total use by M-Industrie in the Food area. The accepted standards are RSPO IP, RSPO Segregated, Bio Suisse. The scope of application comprises the Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund with its private-label M-Industrie products.
In 2018, the proportion of physically sustainable palm oil in Migros private-label food brands (M-Industrie) was almost 99%.
Comment: The remaining 1% concerns individual, purchased ingredients of end products which could not yet be procured in a physically sustainable manner.
Proportion of physically sustainable palm oil in food from third-party suppliers
Migros has set the target of increasing the proportion of physically sustainable palm oil in third-party food to 100% by 2020. Measured is the weight component of physically sustainable palm oil in products from third-party suppliers. The accepted standards are RSPO IP, RSPO Segregated, Bio Suisse. The scope of application comprises products from third-party suppliers of the Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund.
In 2018, the proportion of physically sustainable palm oil in third-party food was 96%.
Comment: The company systematically tackled the palm oil issue in 2018. Raising awareness with third-party suppliers over this year has resulted in a striking increase of the proportion of sustainable palm oil.
Proportion of certified palm oil in near- and non-food
Migros has set the target of increasing the proportion of certified sustainable palm oil in near-food and non-food to 100% by 2020. Measured is the proportion of certified palm oil in near-food and non-food. The accepted standards are RSPO IP, RSPO Segregated, RSPO Massbalance, Bio Suisse. The scope of application comprises near-food and non-food products of own-label and third-party brands of the Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund.
In 2018, the proportion of certified palm oil in near-food and non-food amounted to 57%.

As part of the Fruit and Vegetables sustainability programme, Migros has committed to ambitious targets in the procurement of bananas with an accepted sustainability standard towards WWF. They also run an ongoing responsible strawberry-growing project in Spain.
Proportion of sustainably produced bananas
Migros has set the target of increasing the proportion of sustainably produced bananas to 100% by 2018. Measured is the proportion of turnover (percent) of bananas with accepted sustainability standards relative to the total banana turnover. The accepted standards are Migros Organic, Fairtrade, WWF Model Project, Rainforest Alliance. The scope of application is the Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund.
In 2018, Migros sold only sustainable bananas.

Migros has set the target of continuously increasing the turnover of Organic and Terra Suisse products and, with Cumulus Green, to offer its customers greater transparency on the proportion of sustainably produced products.
Proportion of organic (food) and Terra Suisse labels of the food range turnover.
Migros has set the target of increasing the proportion of organic (food) and Terra Suisse labels of the total food range to 1.7 billion CHF or 16% of the food/fresh turnover. Measured is the turnover in CHF and as a percentage share of the overall food/fresh range. The scope of application comprises the Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund.
In 2018, the organic and Terra Suisse label turnover amounted to 17%.